Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Final Reflection

    At first I was nervous to take an online English course but I’m glad I did.  The course was easy to follow and there was hardly any confusion.  The online conferences really helped me to improve on my writing.  My accomplishments were completing all of the assignments on time.  My struggle in this course was to learn how to critically analyze a text properly and how to reflect my views in the best way.  Another struggle was putting the final portfolio together and making sure that everything was formatted correctly, I had the workers cited page properly prepared and making sure it was the best I could do.  There isn’t anything I would change for this course everything was laid out perfectly and easy to follow

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carly,
    Thanks for your comment about the online conferences. At first, I scheduled them for 15 minutes but quickly realized that was not long enough. I often felt bad about TALKING so much and not giving you a chance to ask questions or express concerns. At any rate, it's good to hear that the conferences were a positive feature of the course for you.

    Despite your struggles with formatting the final portfolio, you put it together beautifully. I thought your revisions were successful and the essays turned out nicely. A well-deserved portfolio passing!

    Thanks again for the feedback. Have a restful break -- good luck in English 102. I am sure you'll rock that course.
